Monday, July 19, 2010

17th july~

It was my story on 17th  july which is I spent my whole day with my whole family at hometown~ I was woke up early on that day..actually, I don’t want to go back to my hometown..but as my mum told that my grandma will make some kenduri that, I just follow my mum to help my aunties n uncles on preparing some lauk-pauk to the villagers~ the kenduri will begin after they have performing solat isyak~ but my family n me not join the kenduri as them asked..but we just help out to preparing some kuih muih n lauk3 only! Hihi:D
As my mum know that my grandma told her: yam, we are already have a chef 4 today’s kenduri..i know who is the we known cousin “abg mazrie” is the chef..he work as a chef at “Hotel” mane ek? Don’t know la..hehe..but he is the one in mak lang’s family that become a chef..but what a sad!? Abg mazrie have a work to that he cant leave his work n he didn’t go back 4 kenduri..s0..who will be the next top model? la! Who will be a cooker? Or in short! A chefffff? Hurm…after they don’t want to cook.. so, as mum volunteer herself to cook~ I know u are the best chef ever in this world mak! Huhu;D
As I assumed! Mesty mak punyerlah yang memasak neh! Cian mak! Without wasting a time..laju jek tgn n kaki mak bergerak..mak mang mls nak tgu aunties also push her to cook..but the rest of them are so lazy! Haha..bukan malas..tapi dyowang mayb tired kowt! Nak ikutkan mak den ag penat~ hek3!

Pape jelahhh..asalkan sume happy~;))
Petang tu sebnanyer mak mang dah ajak g umah atok..tapi aku tak nak~ coz mak dik aku ajak aku g sagil/ kolam air panas,aku ni ngn tak dek pakaian sume..terpakselah meminjam mak dik aku nyer bju n suar~ bosa pown bosa lahhhh~ janji aku dapat terjun n berenang~ hik3~ for a long period aku ngn family aku tak g kolam air panas asahan..mang best tempat dy..waktu kami g tu pown mang ramai gak dak3 yang g mandi..alhamdulillah..agak terjager gak aurat den koz tak ramai yang ade kat port,leh la nak menjerit3 bagai! Macam yang abang n adik aku yang tembun tu buat~ hurmmm..aku mang nak kater selekeh tu..buleh lah jugakk..bak kate mak aku: dah macam orang nyalas dah ko neh~ huhu;P nak kate aku owang kampong r tuh! Eeee..mak niiiiiiiii!!!!! Hehe;D
Ape yang pasti aku seronok sgt balik kampong hari tu~ ngn tok busu ag..tak habis3 tnye aku: akk tak tidur cni ke? Huhu..
Aku lak jawab: tak la tok..esok iza ade kelas..len kali iza balik kg iza tidur cni eh?
Huhu..nak jatuh gak airmata ni tgok atok aku tuh~ ne tak nyer..cucu kandung dy sendirik pown tak datang temankan,kesian jugak la..hurm..tak pela tok next tyme I will accompany u..okeyh tok?;) cayang atok lebey! Actually, dy suke la..cucu dy yang sowang neh agak rajin mengemas umah dy~ hihi:D mukan nak masuk lif tekan sendirik yek! Tapi mang betul nehhhh~ hehe..aku tlg dy msk..tlg sapu smph..tlg tarik daun3 yang gugur kat depan umah..tu yang dy suke tuh..bibik la katekan aku nehhhh!;P
Da settle sume kije, lauk3 kenduri pown dah siap..kami sume alik umahhhh~ mak lang aku susah3 jek bungkuskan kami lauk..dy mang syg mak aku aku…dy lah makcik aku yang paling aku syg tanpa dy tahu~ huhu;( tq mak langgggg!;)
Until here my story 4 dat day..happy dapat kongsi ngn ko blogggiey! Manyak ag aku nak cer..tapi..aku namo ade unsur3 sedey coz im now in a HAPPY mode~;) lalalalalala~~~


  1. it's nice to spend time with family =)

  2. Visit to post articles in the following categories: wirehair, helicopters, negotiate, lien, coaches, chemo, winnings and more...


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